Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bedroom Makeover - Final

At long last, the bedroom makeover is finished. Well, for now, at least! Here's what I started with:

blah bedroom before picture

Pretty sad, right? And after a little painting, some sewing, some more sewing, and a few more tweaks, here's how it looks today:

updated bedroom after picture

Ahh, that's better!  My goal was to make the bedroom a calm and relaxing 'nest' with shades of grey and mauve.  I tried to use enough layers and textures to keep it cozy and interesting.
The most recent additions are the light fixture, which went from this old-fashioned 'beauty'

image of old style square glass ceiling light fixture

to this simple drum pendant

new DIY grey drum pendant light fixture

and the purple paint on the wall behind the bed.
I felt like the bed looked odd floating against the white ceiling/wall, and the room was just lacking somehow.  A bit of painters' tape and a sample-sized can of 'Grey Amethyst' were just what it needed to wake things up!

midway picture of bedroom with painted walls, new duvet cover and plain white sloped wall behind headboard

image of purple painted rectangle with rounded corners behind headboard

My vintage white bookshelf headboard virtually disappears behind the pillows, so the purple on the wall acts as a sort of painted headboard, giving the bed more presence.  It also addresses the whole 'can't paint the wall because it's actually the ceiling' dilemma.

close up detailed picture of rounded corner on painted headboard

And it looks good with the grey and white 'Moroccan' cotton rug I found at the grocery store (of all places!)

Finally, what girl can resist a few feminine details like sequins and fresh flowers? :)

detail picture of small vase of purple lilacs against dark purple painted headboard

detail image of dark grey sequined pillow against pale grey bedding

So there you have it.  My complete bedroom makeover on the (very, very) cheap!  Actual spend, after using various gift cards I'd hoarded(!), was right around $100.

What do you think?  My favourite part, impact-wise, is the purple wall.  How about you?  What would you do differently?


  1. WOW! Great job! I love the headboard idea! It really makes the space.

  2. Great job working on such a tight budget! I love the purple headboard wall!!

  3. I LOVE IT!!! That painted 'headboard' is a wonderful idea. You have created a fabulous and relaxing bedroom, woman!

  4. The whole effect is just yummy. And I definitely like the price tag!

  5. Visiting from Sunny's Life in Rehab and I'm so glad I did.

    First, purple is my fave colour, you have done an outstanding job on your bedroom. Secondly, I have a thing for grey :)

    Your light redo is marvelous.

    I'm a new follower.

    Mel @ Junkin' Junky

  6. I love it! I love the light fixture and the headboard. Great colors!

  7. where did you get the comforter?

    1. I made the duvet cover from a couple of flat sheets. Here's a bit more about it:


tell me what you think!